Height-5'6 Around- Perfect
Color- Mustard yellow- super 
Slim fig with high heels -wow
Dressing sense 100/100
Apple watch in left and black bracelet on right wrist
Earrings dezlings when sun rays falling on her
Long hair and you imagine it must be her birthday today! 
Background Violins already started playing in your mind..You are behind her and curious to see her complete face. Started following her unknowingly by thinking is she the one ? your dream girl?  like in movies 😂
You have already ignored, what your team mates saying about life from last 15min..you are just  nodding your head as if you attained "bramha gyan" from him.
Your have crossed your office and insisting your team mate to come along with you. Encouraging your team mate not stop.Suddenly,your Team Lead passes and asking you work status.. Though you are replying as fast as you can but  all your focus is on the girl who is walking away..At any point of time, you do not want to miss her.Fortunately your lead leaves you and says,"See you in next 15min"
Meanwhile, she disappeared..You started searching here and there.Again going back and forth.But started missing her now.You got a call from lead regarding meeting which has already started and you are late.
All day you think of the lady,to whom you are mad at first sight.

One other day,you are sitting in lawn in office. A black Audi R8 car came and stopped in-front gate.Driver came and opens the back door.You are staring at the car by thinking how much can a manager incomes in your company.Meanwhile,You think of your single digit hikes and 5 digits salary income.
Suddenly  the missing lady of your heart step down from the car and says to the driver to park in down basement. Your eyes got bigger then before and started staring..
She is beautiful then you ever imagined. Her face looks shiny and looks bright with/without facial.You close your eyes.  Imagining in the lawn, what iff She is your girl Friend? What iff you are wearing a black suit and walking along with her somewhere other side of the globe?
What iff she is not your cast? What iff she is married?

Well well,when you come from your daydream, she is gone.
oh Shit.Not this time!
You stood and tried to search here and there. Missed again as usual.

Another day,you are sitting in CITY BAR and not in a mood to dance drink either. Your friends talking each other and boosing. Suddenly your eyes fell on a lady who sitting diagonally opposite to you and sadly you can't see her face.You look at a distance, she kept 2000RS note as tip and started leaving the bar.Probably you are assuming she is waiting for her car to arrive.Followed by a young man with Suit came near by and started having some hostile conversation. She screamed,  "Enough  and Go Fuck yourself..I don't give a shit on you"  Everyone in bar took her attention. The man on the suit walk away.The lady turns back and looked at her friends and sat near by.You are sitting next to her.Except you, no one knows you are dying to talk with her only for once.She says to her friends lets packup and walks from this place.

A new day begun,
Smart looking, handsome, folded half shirt,RayBan sun-glass,  long beard,a cigarette in one hand with his Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 appears in office.Literally,Girls at office dyes to spend time with him.Regarding work,he is a good linguist and versatile person.He Speaks less but whatever speaks, to understand the team, takes a complete week.Few says, he is an IITan gold medalist in his batch .  On hourly basis,he get paid from office. If critical issue in project,then you could see him in office.Rest of the time work from home or traveling to onsite project.If he comes to office  you will find few V.I.P's around him.So No time to discus or hangout with others.

You,the beauty queen and the smarty works for the same company.
You must be wondering what's special about you? 
Well let's wait and scroll down!


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