a nightmare

For the past few days, you are struggling to take a rest. You are planning to create your own house but are unable to do so.

It's already an exhausting journey you travelled so far, scared of outside predators. While in search of a better place, you got a house next to a big tree. Few human beings are living in the place as you noticed. You are already afraid of them because they can be your enemies too. But you do not have other alternatives. You took a rest outside the nearby tree today. With a heavy heart the next day, you went inside and sat on a wire in the front room. Someone is coming near to you. You flew away. You come again after 15 minutes to make sure they are not harming you. The next day, you come with your partner and sitting on the same wire and trying to predict where can be the safest place to build your house.
Suddenly, one person coming nearer to you. You pray to God not to harm because you are running out of time and place. Your partner already flew away but you stayed in the same place by closing your eyes. Fortunately, the person came nearer and went in another direction. You could not identify each member of their family. but you get the sensation and barely you can differentiate among them. So today you got an assurance that this place is not that bad to build your home with some risk factors. You flew away to the tree again today.While sleeping, you keep on reminding yourself you have to be careful of human beings because they are living there. This is the first time you are taking a risky step in your life. You decided yourself you will protect your family and take care of them no matter what happens in future. If nothing works probably you will fight until your death. but you will make sure you will create a home for your future.
The next day, You started building your house.Your partner was not supporting fully because human beings are the most intelligent creature in this world and they can take advantage of your tiny little life. Sometimes, when any of the humans come nearby immediately you flew from the place. but after few minutes you return.

You gather some sticks and leaves to make your house strong. In a week or later you created your house. Finally, your new house is ready and all set to go. Moon came in the sky and outside got dark. Since it's the first day you are a little scared. Next to you suddenly, there is an artificial device that started glowing which is already disturbing you but you have no other go. But there is no much disturbance to you when it's off. You are already aware and attentive to anyone coming near to you by chance. By looking at their human family you try to sleep but are unable to do so. For sometimes your eyes fall asleep. When you open eyes it's the sunshine. You spend the next day in the nearby garden
After some days you got 3 tiny little children from your body. You are excited to see them flying. but at present, they can't see eat either on their own. But today the situation is different. You came home as usual time but a human person is sitting below you. You tried to roam outside for some time but the sun-shine is no more there. So barely you can see in the evening/nighttime. You tried to sit on the rope but still, the human person is doing something below your nest. With a lot of courage, you went inside your nest. Light is already making a lot of noise. It's attracting small flying creatures. With your tiny beak, you tried to throw them out whenever someone trying to enter your house. You are trying your best but it's already an hour. Neither the human person is moving nor the flying creatures. You tried to go outside and come back again and again. You have no idea what to do next. It's completely dark outside nowhere you can go now. The light nearby is getting heater slowly. It was a rough day outside and now the disturbance causing you a lot of trouble here. In an angry mood, you decided to stay on the tree for a while. You go outside and sat in the nearby tree. 

One hour passed,you remind of your children. Then you could not control yourself and tried to return home. Unfortunately, on the way an owl created an obstacle, you are not finding the correct house. You get a bit scared now. All negative thoughts started appearing about what will happen if, I do not find the house. After sometimes you find the house.But in a rush, you missed the first room where your nest exist. Now you entered the human's living room and you are house is not there. Now your heart rate started beating heavily. You try to find the light and with your estimation that is the southwest corner. Light is there but your house is not present. You tried to go to another side of the room it's a flat surface again. You got into another room and it's completely different than earlier. Some humans already noticed and moving next to you. You started going out but were unable to find a way out. There are some steel mats on the windows which your tiny little beaks can't break. But you keep on trying to break and come out of it. You feel like someone has already captured you, your family and soon you are going to die. Negative thoughts instantly appearing since you trusted human beings and this is the result of it. You wanted to request humans around you but they do not understand anything. They are closing some doors and moving instantly. You started praying to God with tearful eyes.
After sometimes everyone in the room left except you. You still have faith that somehow you will find your house. You do not see anything around due to artificial lights around you as well as it's dark. You calm yourself for a while. Your head is hitting on the top surface. Now you got one thing sure you need to move from the current place. Now blindly you make a U turn and again hit the left wall surface. You still have hope there should be some other way to come out from the puzzle. In the third attempt, you find a door and it's already opened for you.Finally, you escaped from room and then another room. Finally you find the familiar stuff around you and your home in the same place. You thank God for keeping you and your children alive. You got angry for the human beings who made this mess with a glowing light. You know you can't fight with them. With that keeping in mind, you did not go inside your nest and the whole night you spent out side by sitting on the rope. You noticed humans noticing your movements and you do not care about them.

The next day you say everything to your partner. Your partner came and shouted at them. Not sure they understand it not but surely they might have sensed the pain and the nightmare. Thereafter humans and my family stayed together in the same house without harming each other's lives.

This is how we both look like now,


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