Beauty lies in the way you perceive things

Sometimes, I wanted to seize a moment and the people around me. I wish I had some supernatural power. But then things change and nothing remains the same.
For instance, when I get inspired by someone or like someone's ideology then I used to think, "Please stay in my life like this forever". I assumed that way, I am learning and growing. Other days, I tried saying in words as well but practically that never worked. People who are connected always find a way out no matter what has changed. Some can never be in your life. With time other person careers, priorities, lifestyle, and so many things change. I do acknowledge but then again I ask myself, "Is that still me, who is standing in the middle and looking back ?" But Then my mind says, "WHY?"
Probably, It's time for a change or rewires of my thoughts. For you, it might be standing at the last but for others it just the opposite. Sometimes even your presence and effort not visible to someone. But that does not mean it's not there. You liked something or put in the effort on something very hard but not always you're in the spotlight. Real-life is not waiting for someone's approval, waiting for some magical things to happen either. We all are different in the way we built from the beginning. We all have different tastes in life. I say, "everything". and you know what? The difference is "Beautiful."
Then I asked, what is Beautiful?
My eyes say it's just the physical body and outer shape. But to my mind, I could not convince, then I asked what is beauty Mr.?
It says, being selfish and disobedient to others perspective. I asked Again, What?
It says, getting to know yourself, your own choice, likes, your opinions matters at least to you. More importantly, than accepting the world's perception and opinion. It's okay to go wrong. It's okay to break. It's okay to get lost in your world. In the end, It's your life and you do not need to follow a set of rules and regulations always which society has already set. In other words, Beauty is accepting yourself the way it is. It lies in accepting things. That may be the pain or that may be the sacrifice of something. It's everywhere to be precise, the only thing you need to know is, which is best for you and where exactly to look at. Rewiring your brain and mindsets truly gives eternal pleasure, if you can commit.
E.g: Beauty is looking at the responsible single mother who is taking care of her child all alone throughout the day and night. I bet for the child it's the safest and heavenly place in this world to sleep. So stop thinking and enjoy the present ride no matter how and where you live.

Good Night :)


  1. Seriously u wrote this or copied?����

    1. thanks for the comment😊 published by asish means ofcourse it's your friend's thought. 🤪💪

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Excellent explanation of ethics of complicated life asish.. U must be a Anthropologist or Psychologist or social thinker...

    1. Thank you for the appreciation. By profession I am an engineer :D


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