#Attraction,#Friendship, #Love, #Besties, #Immaturity #Sadness,#endurance,#Lession, #happiness


Those who understand bring heaven down to earth and who doesn’t, make a hell of it! It’s just like two sides of a coin, always together but comes one at a time. Life is full of illusions. Ironically it’s a matter of understanding but not to decide who is right and who is wrong. In most cases, it seems something but in reality, it’s different. At that point prediction, judgment, perception, and many things fail. One can only have faith in great saying "Everything happens for a reason"
It’s a story of two persons; a boy and a girl. Both of them were from different places with different lifestyles.
       The girl was beautiful, smart, sweet, and friendly in nature. One who talks to her goes crazy to talk again. She was dreaming in the world of Cinderella, Snow-white, and Fairy tales stories. In her school days, she was the only girl in her class. So probably no close friends with whom she could share her feelings frankly. She got some, but most of them flirt with her or get into a relationship with her. Nobody took her that seriously as she expected. Even to whom she liked, he never was able to know. Thinking about it she used to cry for hours. But it was never reflected on her face. In the outside world, she seemed to be very happy but inside she was depressed.
       The boy was very innocent, childish, a bit shy in nature. He was handsome, average in studies, and was good at computers. He had a few friends. He talked less. Most of the boys and girls didn’t even know his full name after spending years. Though he was handsome no one noticed because he was old-fashioned. He used to sit alone in a corner of the class and get lost in his world. He loved to live in the world of cartoons. Even he believed in Spiderman, Superman, Harry porter, Sakti Man, Krish….(All of the superheroes of the generations who saves the world) As he was calm and self-composed in nature, friends used to tease him, some used to take his tiffin box, some knowingly would fight and some would show their superiority in the class. They just made him cry. He loved to stare sky at night. Sometimes when he was alone and sad, he used to look at stars and cry for hours. Do not know why he was crying. Maybe that solitude & loneness lingered him or it may be that he was expecting to be a hero in front of others. Even he was started to be deprived of his thinking. Even sometimes he sleeps by talking to stars. When mom/dad asked: “Why you are crying?? He remained silent.
Time changed.
Both of them grew up. Co-incidentally they joined in the same college. It was completely a new atmosphere for the girl and a new hostel and life.
3 years later
They were strangers to each other for up to 3years but after that everything had changed!
One day the boy sent a friend request on Facebook, Girl accepted.
He started typing..
Boy      : Hey! How are you doing?
Girl     : < Didn’t reply >
After some days,
Boy     : Hello..
Girl     : < Still not replied >

Another day,
Boy    : I Am Sorry for Bothering You. Have you completed the assignment of "C programming" ? <Just to get her attention)
Girl     : Hey! Yes I am done with that.Sorry I rarely see facebook.
Boy     : It’s okay! I was wondering if you could help me with that.
That day they talked a bit.
After 3 weeks…
Boy     : Hello..
Girl     : < Still not replied >
Boy was annoyed, as the girl was used to online but hardly any response/showing interest. Boy was thinking, Girls, tend that they never initiate a conversation and expect others to initiate.
Boy    : Good Evening. I hope you are doing well. Sorry to bother you again and lemi not disturb you from now on. Thanks for your time and Good Day.
Girl    : < Still no reply came >
The boy was silient and thought all pretty and beautiful girls are not a good fit for him.
One day suddenly after a month, when the boy was online
Girl    : How are you?
Boy    : <Silence>
Girl    : How is your photography?
Boy    :  It's going good. Thanks for noticing. What's going on there? (Gone melt for her again)
Girl    : Kool :)
Boy    : Okay. Bye.
Girl    : Bye
Boy    : Sorry for bothering you too much on the other day
Girl    : No That's Okay, Sorry from my side because that day I was a little bit upset
Boy    : Oh.

Another day, fortunately, they were in one group for a college assignment and talked a bit. Consequently, they became now good friends.Well, Boy tended to show up more as if he is the only generous person in whole the class and attracted to her.
Days passed.
With time Boy became close to that girl.As it was summer vacation time one day of sudden the girl asked can you give me, your number? Boy was happy because in his class neither girls give phone numbers nor close with boys. The boy was nervous to talk but the girl was too good to manage. The boy started to talk simply to overcome his fear and cool guy in his class.
Day by day they got closer. They used to share many things. No secrets between them. The girl liked him because he was different from others and he was the person who treated her as a good friend. She had a belief that the boy was a very trusty person ever she met before. They always fought with each other but after fighting they understand themselves and short out very quickly. Whenever they spent time with each other they never felt bored. The best thing in between them as they respect their feelings, likes, dislikes. They were too happy as both are of a different world and synchronization between their feelings is almost perfect. Even those kinds of people we can’t find in this big world.
Once the girl asked.
Girl     : Shall we be the best friend?
Boy     : ……….………………mm...yea, <he could not say yes/no>
Because he had never been to so close with anyone and was afraid LOVE may come into existence! He just didn’t want to name this relation as LOVE birds or anything where emotions and feelings take high priority.
Time passed by…
They became closer. Both of them were happy to be best friends. When someone tells them they are in a relation, they never bothered about what others thinking. When a boy spends more time with a girl then it's natural that everyone will think they are in LOVE. But the boy had a notion that, whatever the world says, if he believes in himself then nothing can go wrong.

When the girl talks with others a bit closer than the boy usually complains, “you are so busy these days, no time for me…” Boy was a little possessive in fact :D
Girl    : "Are you jealous ?”
Boy    : No way…… < smile >
In fact he was jealous ;)
Time goes on.. <”Claps never initiate with one hand! “ Same here. Lets see>
The boy had a weakness that he cares much, even sometimes he cared for her more than himself. When the girl feels upset then the boy used to come and sit beside her. Sometimes even by making some unnecessary reasons he used to come to give her emotional support! Which he thought he was doing correctly. Unknowingly he was creating the problem because he was caring a bit more than the girl needed. He didn’t know, for a girl if he will care that much, then what will come in her mind? No doubt the relationship between them was always warm and healthy but feelings started increasing. But for the boy, ideology was different. He was into his world.He wants to fly, He wants to run, He even wants to fall ... He just don't want to stop.(movie credit: "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani")
He accepted her as his best friend. Even he never cared if ever anyone commenting about their status. Well while proving this he lost all his other friends. The boy used to say much about his feelings to others. But the girl kept on doubting … She even started thinking that the boy was lying…She ignored all his cares, feelings, sayings … Sometimes started comparing and testing with others. The boy was depressed. He started doubting him. Even sometimes alone he used to scold: “why I am like this, why in this world everyone treating our relationship wrong. I respect her..and I'll never regret being a loyal friend of her. I could never imagine she is my life partner /wife.We have our own loving person whom we always wanted marry . Bla bla” He tried his best to make her happy. But now things going wrong…
Finally One day at night the girl asked:
Tell me honestly,“ Do you love me??? “
Boy    : Heart beat goes on 10 times faster than normal !!! Boy thought shit..what type of question at this time.He replied: yes. 
He took it casually and thought to crack a joke
Girl    : Yeah I already knew that! This time girl was serious and she did not find any humor in this matter. Well, he cares for her but hiding him as a friend.
The topic went into serious. It was 3 Am
Boy    : Do you think I wanted to say that only?
Girl     : ?? What drama next?
Boy     : How can you think as such… you are my friend ..? Why should I hide my feelings to you? Please never doubt my feelings. I never been lied anything to you and now also I will do the same. I had that feeling on you but can't imagine sharing a bed. When I first-time talk with you I thought you can be my best friend instead of thinking of flirt with you or to take advantage. I am not interested to make such a relationship and it's gonna ruin everything between you and me. Please try to understand. Trust me, If everyone saying it's "love","relationship" bla bla that do not mean you and me are made for each other. I believe in you as just a good friend and so you better do.

Now misunderstanding between them gradually started. The girl was looking for her true love and suspicious of the boy's activities. Now the boy realized "A boy and a girl can never be best friends. "
Girl    : <Still doubting>
Boy    : Yaar maan ja.. Tum mujhpe doubt karoge to may ab kya karun? Kahan jaun? Kisko batun ki main kaun hu. :(
Complete silence…
Trust me I will not break your beliefs and please never relate with me with others. It’s hurting me inside. No doubt I cared a little more. Even I too don’t know how all things changed!
Boy: please try to understand me!
One thing I can say, “I can stand before you, but for a single doubt on me can destroy my world and feelings.” If you still can’t know, then be sure that “Time will come you will miss my presence...“
Boy    : I just needed you to be my best friend. “Friends4 ever…” That’s it.
Girl    : Silence
After the very next day she did not talk with him.No more contacts and no more meetings.
One day the boy asked what happen?
Girl    : what else? Do you have any work?
Boy    : :(
Girl     : became stubborn. She has decided not to be a friend anymore.
Boy    : became kinda aasique3 in front of everyone.
Girl    : Please do not come to meet and do not try to contact me. Its all over. Now you are really making me sad and I request you to please go away from my life. That's all.
Boy    : sudden change could not able to manage
Girl    : Ignored. She started to hate him.
Boy    : Started to compromise for everything he had. He saw her, she was happy and enjoying her life with her friends and pretending not to be friends again !!
Girl    : She made her new life with new friends and a new life.
Boy    : scolded himself for everything. got too much emotional on his own deeds
Another day boy still asked by thinking everything going to be all right. “ Can we be good friends like earlier days? ”
Girl: Still ignored. Slowly replied Noooo….It's all over. Once we are done then no rewind of feelings. Take Care
Boy came up with silence. He realized on that day, he did a great mistake and he was completely insane. Immaturity and attraction can destroy his life. No girl is interested in his life until he becomes something. The biggest lesson he learned, "A boy and a girl can be good friends with limits ". He decided its time to vanish and put an end to this story by being a loyal boyfriend. Let her go away. That day he removed the BEST word forever! He realized he is only caring about that girl and what about others? Family, his old childhood, college friends. He is not at all spending time with them which are flawless things ever he had! Even he started thinking he is not at all alone. His thinking and things making him alone. He went in search of all these answers. Fortunately, he found two, three friends who still believed him and his feelings. For the shake of proving “a cool guy in the class he got attached to love”, he left every one which is completely out of his box. He decided to end this and all happened of his feelings and emotions and his immaturity. The girl also might be wrong but he decided to let him be a man first before finding others' mistakes.
After a year
Girl    : Hi
Boy    :
Girl    : How are you ?
Boy    : Good
Girl    : Where are you ?
Boy    : Chennai
Girl    : I am so sorry. Sorry 4 everything & what are doing these days?
Boy    : It's OKay.

A thought comes to his mind that he was gone & burnt that day only when she left like a boyfriend but not as a friend.
Then both talk about their lives and end the conversation. He wished to the lady, "Wish a happy married life !! "
Well, sometimes some things let their own pace and you will get peace in your life without being a cool guy. Having a girl as a friend does not make you cool rather discovering your journey and identity makes you cool. Of course on the journey, You will get a new friend's new environment and a new lifestyle. You have to accept and discover your journey and keep moving. You can only have trust in yourself and enjoy the each little things happening in your life. Because everything happens for a reason and your happiness and satisfaction can only be going to fill large part of your life. Whatever happened it was past to the boy and made him more strength to meet up new friends and people. It opens him to the new era of modern culture at least not being so emotional with girls. Now he is no more afraid to talk with girls. Now he can walk on the street if a girl needs or alone either! He looks at the sky but no more crying. He is in a search of the purpose of his life and destiny. He pretends when someone asks, Have you had a girlfriend in college?
I hope you know the answer :)

Thanks for reading the long story :D


  1. Heartfelt writing .. You have conveyed your feelings beautifully ����


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