You liked her or She liked you ?
It's a damn cold night, raining outside.You have ordered a tea waiting to be delivered!You noticed tea seller is busy in processing the request .Your attention fall on a young lady who is fighting with the tea seller for 5rs extra charge on her bill. You looks at your watch it's already 8Oclock.Two more hours left to catch the next flight.It's showing1 hour15minutes to reach the airport from Googlemap.Sadley no Ola /Uber showing the place where you are standing.So you says to the young lady,"Execuse me, I am already late So would you mind I will take the tea and go way" She looks at you from bottom to top.and again bottom to top.She says,Brother no is coming here to fight or for blocking your route.After that she moves. You step forward and take your tea and ask the tea seller which way gona be shorter to catch Auto/Bus.After waiting 15minutes over there you got an Auto. Auto is conguested However you found a place one seat for you with your h...